Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Setting up a Paid Subscription for Visual Studio Online in the Windows Azure Portal

If you want to set up a Paid Subscription for Visual Studio Online, you have to set this up within the Windows Azure Portal.

Unfortunately, the process to accomplish this is not documented and instead you have to figure this out on your own.

But not to worry!  It is a relatively easy process to follow!

  1. From the More Services section in the Azure Portal, click on Team Services Accounts
  2. You should then see your existing Visual Studio Online account
  3. If you have an existing Azure Subscription, you can then link your Visual Studio Online account to your Azure Subscription, by clicking on the Link button
  4. Once the accounts have been linked, you can view the settings for your Visual Studio Online account
  5. When you are ready to purchase additional Visual Studio Online licenses for your users, you can click on "Users" in the Settings pane
  6. The new pane that displays will allow you to select the number of users you want to purchase
  7. Once you have chosen the number of users you want to purchase, you click on the "Save" button in the toolbar.
  8. Finally, once the purchased users have been assigned, you can go into Visual Studio Online and assign the appropriate purchased User Licenses to your Visual Studio Online users!

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